PRD-CAP has some of the best investigators in the field. We take pride in our work and give credit where credit is due. Below is a list of our investigators and their field of expertise and roles in the PRD-CAP project. Click and objective to get a detailed summary of that project.
Our Investigators:
Affiliation: Department of Population Health and Reproduction,
University of California,Davis
Expertise: Poultry Medicine
Role: PI for
Affiliation: Department of Population Health
The University of Georgia
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Expertise: Poultry Health and Production
Role: PI for
Affiliation: US National Poultry Research Center
Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory
Expertise: Exotic & Emerging Avian Viral Diseases Research
Role: PI for
Affiliation: Ag & Natural Resources
University of Maryland
Expertise: Extension Poultry Specialist
Role: PI for Objective 4.3
Affiliation: California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System,
University of California, Davis
Expertise: Diagnostics, Epidemiology
Role: PI for Objective 1.1 and Objective 3.1
Affiliation: Pathobiology, Auburn University
Expertise: Avian Virology, Vaccine
Role: PI for Objective 3.2.2