Advisory Board

The advisory board represented by members of the scientific community, federal government agencies and the industry was formed in order to help steer the direction of the research and outreach objectives, assess progress, evaluate the quality of research and extension programs, and identify expected outcomes and potential impacts. The board members include:

Dr. Tim Barman

Dr. Barman is the Director of Veterinary Services at Cooper Farms, Inc. He earned his DVM degree from The Ohio State University. He worked at a mixed animal practice including poultry, dairy, swine and other species for 35 years. The poultry experience during practice included commercial operations, backyard flocks, and game birds. He presently works with Cooper Farms at their turkey, swine, chicken layer and processing operations.

Dr. Eric Gingerich

Dr. Gingerich is the technical Services Specialist at Diamond V and serves as Executive Director of the Association of Veterinarians in Egg Production since 1992. He earned his DVM degree from Purdue University and worked as poultry veterinarian for over 30 years. He anually makes a report to the U.S. Animal Health Association about the status of layer health in the U.S.

Dr. Yehia Mo Saif

Dr. Saif is currently an Emeritus Professor at The Ohio State University and has been working in the area of poultry diseases for the past 47 years. Dr. Saif serves as a charter diplomate for the American College of Poultry Veterinarians (ACPV), Editor in Chief for Diseases of Poultry, and Editor for journal Avian Diseases. He has extensive experience in poultry production and health and is well associated with the poultry industries.

Dr. John A. Smith

Dr. Smith is the Director of Health and Hatchery Services at Fieldale Farms Corp. He has been highly active in professional associations (AVMA, AAAP, USEPA) and served as Chair of the U.S. Animal Health Association’s Committee on Transmissible Diseases of Poultry and Other Avian Species. Dr. Smith joined Fieldale Farms, the twelfth largest broiler producer in the U.S., in 1991. Together with Dr. Gingerich and Barman, they will serve as our liason for poultry industry and play a role in our interaction with the broader community of the poultry industry and in the dissemination of the research findings.

Dr. David Swayne

Dr. Swayne is a world leading avian influenza expert and has been the director of the Southeast Poultry and Research Laboratory (SEPRL), USDA-ARS for over 25 years. Together with Dr. Torchetti, they will facilitate our communication with government agencies and the ARS research community.

Dr. Mia Kim Torchetti

Dr. Torchetti is the Avian Viruses Section Head at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories. She oversees the nationwide surveillance of avian pathogens and development and validation of diagnostic tests. She will be instrumental in our effort to standardizing the diagnostic tests for respiratory pathogens.


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